The Benefits of the Teardrop Pallet Rack Design

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hole pattern on the front of the blue or green upright column is what the name of tears talking about this hole is where the beams on the rack to lock in, and has proven to be together almost all the shelves of which objects are in use today.

Types of racks

Just as there are several types of pallet racking, there are several types to choose from when it comes to tears pallet rack. This style can be used with selective storage, narrow island and storage rasutih.Najpopularniji in tears design is selectively storing stalak.Razlog for its popularity is that each pallet is available, and on the shelves. This eliminates the need for unnecessary palettes have to be removed only for access to the range that is needed. This method saves time and money and is suitable for facilities to deal with time-sensitive goods.


Some facilities use Boltless Selective pallet racks that are free and easy tool for sastaviti.Problem Boltless is that it can not withstand the abuse trucks hitting it and it becomes expensive damage it podržava.Suze design is shown to have more power than Boltless front with open back columns, which tears the design more cost effective in the long run. This design uses tubular column format that provides 44 times more torsional rigidity and 68 percent more side-impact resistant and 3 rivet connects offers 26 percent more power than 2 rivet design.

Finish Higher

to complete the most cost effective coating for pallet rack is powder coating. This finish will ensure that your pallet rack requires less maintenance and will look better longer and last longer than any other završiti.Plastificiran finish will protect the rack giving it a 60 percent greater resistance to solvents that can be used in storage, 74 percent greater resistance the salt sprays and 94 percent more power than hitting.

cost-effective solution

In an industry where overhead costs can start to add up, you can see that tears pallet pairs might help to keep these costs. His ability to withstand forklift impact means less exchange columns due to damage. It is difficult to avoid all forklift impacts with storage racks potpunosti.Sposobnost to use it with selective racks gives you the option to save the money, because of the sensitive goods are not addressed in time. Many buildings have lost considerable amounts of money, because of the sensitive goods are not being accessed and shipped on schedule.

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